Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Clever Girl Beauty Essential: Sodium Bentonite Clay

 Sodium Bentonite Clay is formed when volcanic ash mixes with water, resulting in a nutrient-dense clay. It has been used to treat a wide variety of internal and external ailments since 2500 B.C.E, with proponents such as Cleopatra and Ghandi praising its health and beauty benefits. 

The clay possesses both anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, but the attribute that makes Sodium Bentonite so great is that the clay is negatively charged, while most toxins and impurities have a positive charge. Acting as a magnet, Sodium Bentonite attracts these negatively charged toxins and 
works to draw them up and out of the body. 

The bff and I having a spa night

When used as a facial or body mask Sodium Bentonite Clay cleanses while absorbing the dirt/oil/makeup residing deep within your pores.The result is possibly the cleanest, smallest pores you've ever had. Aside from acne, it can also improve cellulite, sun damaged skin, stretch marks, and wrinkles. 

My favorite brand

The brand of Sodium Bentonite Clay that I use is called Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. I purchased a pound of it at Whole Foods for $9.99 a few years ago and have been using it weekly ever since. Thus not only is this an extremely effective product, it also comes at a great value.

To make a mask simply combine equal parts clay/apple cider vinegar in a non-metal bowl and apply directly to your skin. If you have sensitive skin leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes, but if you have normal/oily skin you can leave it on up to 25 minutes. 

The resulting glow

Monday, August 19, 2013

CG Beauty Essential: Coconut Oil

I got into the coconut oil fad back when it first shot off as the new "miracle ingredient". Since then I have cooked, baked, and cleaned with coconut oil, but my favorite uses are definitely in the beauty department. Coconut oil appears in many all-natural and organic beauty products (including makeup) because it is an excellent moisturizer, as well as being both antibacterial and antifungal. Chock full of antioxidants like vitamin E, coconut oil can help your skin retain moisture, increase elasticity, and decrease inflammation. 

All of the beauty essentials I profile are multitasking marvels, but coconut oil gives some of my favorite products a run for their money. There are dozens of uses for this amazing oil on your face and body, but I have compiled my five favorite beauty uses for coconut oil. Give them a try and let me know what you think!

1. The most obvious use for coconut oil in your beauty regime is as a moisturizer. After cleansing, apply the oil in circular motions. Consider it a mini massage. Remember that with coconut oil, a little goes a long way. The solid oil will easily melt once it makes contact with the warmth of your skin and you will end up with more than you need. Coconut oil makes a great overall moisturizer and can replace such diverse products as cuticle oil, hand lotion, and lip balm. Unlike store bought moisturizing products that can contain lots of water and petroleum based ingredients, coconut oil offers a complete and natural moisture. I highly recommend applying it as a body oil while your skin is still wet after a shower or bath.

2. I haven't used gel or body wash since I discovered shaving with oil. It completely revolutionized shaving for me! And of all the oils I've shaved with (olive, safflower, sunflower) coconut oil is one of my favorites. Not only does it smell delicious, but after shaving you'll find your legs, etc. are softer than they've been since you started using a razor. Generally I leave shaving for last when I'm in the shower and exfoliate everywhere my razor will touch. Exfoliating before you shave, especially with a body or facial wash that includes salicylic acid, helps to removes dead skin and prevents ingrown hairs from forming. After you've exfoliated spread the oil across your skin so it is evenly distributed. Once again, you'll probably need less than you take. Your skin doesn't need to be thickly coated with oil, rather you are going for an even sheen. Use a sharp, wet razor (the more blades the better), and shave as you normally would. The first thing you'll notice is that your razor quickly fills with oil. I generally use a bowl or cup filled with hot water to rinse the razor out every few passes. Make sure you store your cleaned razor in a dry place to extend the life of the blades and avoid bacteria. I have a theory that shaving with oil actually extends the life of your razor by preventing rust and protecting the blades.

3. You can even use coconut oil as a general facial cleanser. I wouldn't advise using it daily if you have acne prone skin, but it can be a valuable tool against winter dryness for all skin types. While highly moisturizing, coconut oil also offers anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties and will help to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. To cleanse your skin with coconut oil simply apply it to your face in circular motions, then apply a warm washcloth. Keep the washcloth on for as long as you can to help open up your pores, then wipe away. Unless my skin is feeling especially dry, I opt out of using moisturizer after cleansing my face with this method because it just seems like overkill.

4. I never used makeup remover or eye makeup remover until I tried using coconut oil. It always seemed like a superfluous product that I could simply replace with a good cleanser. The truth is that most cleansers aren't going to remove all of your makeup, especially not that waterproof mascara. Coconut oil, however, does a superb job of breaking down your makeup (even the waterproof stuff) and leaving your skin hydrated. You can remove your eye makeup by melting some coconut oil in your hand or in a dish  and using cotton balls or kleenex to wipe your eyes clean. Once I've gotten most of my eye makeup off I use the rest of the oil on my face, taking time to massage my skin in a circular motion. I then use a warm washcloth and a gentle cleanser to remove the coconut oil and the makeup. Instantly you'll notice that your skin is silky smooth and makeup free! 

5. Coconut oil can also help you with your hair. If you find your tresses are in need of a moisture boost try a coconut oil overnight hair mask. Before bed wet your hair and coat your locks in the oil from root to tip. I generally use a wet brush to dampen my hair and then apply the oil just as I would a leave in conditioner, taking the time to massage it into my scalp.After, I wrap my hair up in a scarf and put a towel down over my pillow (just in case). In the morning you can skip the conditioner and simply wash your hair with a mild shampoo. As coconut oil penetrates hair better than most oils, you'll instantly notice that your hair is stronger, shinier, and less frizzy. 

Stay tuned for more ideas on how you can incorporate coconut oil into your skin and haircare.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Clever Girl Beauty Essential: Apple Cider Vinegar

I just recently got into using apple cider vinegar for beauty after reading a few articles concerning its benefits. Mentioned in a number of these articles was the fact that actress Scarlett Johansson swears by apple cider vinegar when it comes to maintaining her glowing complexion. Similarly, sufferers of psoriasis turn to apple cider vinegar to control inflammation and heal their skin.

Using apple cider vinegar on your skin aids in reducing inflammation, treating and preventing blemishes and breakouts, while also promoting healing and fading age spots and scars. This multitasking beauty essential also fades and treats age and dark spots, as well as vericose veins. As an added perk, the acidity of apple cider vinegar balances the natural pH of your skin, so you don't have to worry about overdrying.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner when mixed with water, a deep pore cleansing face mask when mixed with bentonite clay (my favorite being Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay), as well as a treatment for individual blemishes. When purchasing apple cider vinegar I recommend that you stick with organic brands like Bragg Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I also recommend shaking the bottle of apple cider vinegar to evenly distribute the vitamins and minerals that collect at the bottom of the bottle.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

In a bottle combine 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts water. If you have sensitive skin you may want to consider diluting the apple cider vinegar further. Apply both day and night before moisturizing and after cleansing.

Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar Face Mask

In a bowl combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay such as Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. Mix until all the clay has dissolved in the vinegar. After cleansing your skin apply the mask to your face (try doing it with a clean makeup brush and pretend you're at a spa). Leave it on 10-15 minutes, or as long as you can stand it, and rinse with warm water. Don't forget to moisturize, and you're good to go.

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath Soak

Apple cider vinegar can also be added to a hot bath for all over toning and moisturizing. The vinegar helps draw toxins out of the body, so add up to a cup to your next soak.

 Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

The next time you shower try spritzing your locks with 1 part water and 2 parts apple cider vinegar in lieu of shampoo and conditioner. Massage the spray into your scalp and leave it on up to 5 minutes before you rinse. Apple cider vinegar will help remove product residue, reduce frizz, promote shine, and encourage hair growth. You can even spray your shower down with the same solution to clear tiles and glass of soap residue and mold. BAM! Double usage!

More Uses Include:

Soothing sunburns!
Promoting weightloss through ingestion!
foot soaks!
wort and skin tag removal!
Disinfection and house cleaning!
Basically you need to go out now and get yourself a bottle, because you are missing out on this awesomely all-natural, multifaceted beauty essential.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coffee Hair Mask

I know, it sounds weird to put coffee grounds in your hair. However, the caffeine is an excellent stimulant for your scalp that boosts shine, repairs damage, and increases hair growth. You can achieve these benefits two ways. The first is by adding some coffee grounds (unused) to your shampoo or you can create a mask.

I created a mask using four ingredients: my regular shampoo, unused coffee grounds, Epsom salts, and baking soda. The baking soda and Epsom salts are optional, but both have added benefits for your scalp and locks. Baking soda will help rid your hair of product build up, while Epsom salts add volume and build shine.

1 Tablespoon of Coffee Grounds
1 Tablespoon of Shampoo
1/2 Tablespoon of Epsom Salts
1/4 Teaspoon of Baking Soda
I leave the mask on 5-10 minutes while I shower, remove, then condition as usual. As someone with extremely fine and flat hair, there was a noticeable difference in volume after I blew my hair out. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

The finished product should look something like this.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stinky Man Foot Spray

I know, not the best subject I've broached thus far, but still a reality many of us face. This spray is perfect for the manly, aka stinky, men in your life, but it is also really great for just pampering and maintaining beautiful feet. It only requires four ingredients and an empty spray bottle that can hold at least 16 ounces (2 cups). I've gotten into the habit of reusing any spray bottle I buy, so if you have an empty bottle of household cleaner simply rinse it out with water and soap. All the other ingredients are easy to come by and relatively inexpensive.

Mint tea is something you may already have, but you can substitute it for actual mint out of the garden or mint essential oil. Peppermint is another option you may choose to use. When I made this I actually used mint green tea rather than just herbal tea which provides the added benefits of green tea (antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties). Witch hazel is an awesome astringent that comes from a sweet little shrub. If you don't own any already, head out to the closest drug store and pick up a bottle. Besides this recipe, I frequently use witch hazel as a toner. Tea tree oil is the most expensive ingredient you need for this spray, but once you make the initial purchase you'll be able to use it for a thousand things. Tea tree oil is a valuable antiseptic that can be used to treat everything from dandruff to tick removal. I use it predominately on my face, as it is great for treating acne without over drying.


1 Cup of Water
4 Mint Teabags
1 Cup of Witch Hazel 
1/4 Teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil
16 oz. Spray Bottle

Boil 1 cup of water.

Add the 4 bags of mint tea and let steep for 30 minutes.

Remove tea bags and add the water to a clean spray bottle.

Add 1 cup of witch hazel and 1/4 teaspoon of tea tree oil.

Shake before use, as the tea tree oil will separate in the bottle.

 This spray is great because it can be used to both prevent and combat foot odor, without the use of harsh chemicals. All the ingredients in this spray are generally great for your skin, so you can use is to pamper and soften your feet even if you don't have stinky feet!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

DIY Teeth Whitening

I'm a huge proponent of DIY tooth whitening because it is super easy and the store bought stuff is insanely expensive. If you buy the whitener and trays from your dentist the price is even worse! I'm a coffee addict and this simple recipe does the trick, keeping my ivories looking white and sparkly.

I try to whiten my teeth at least once every two weeks and always before special occasions. You may choose to start out whitening your teeth once a week until you get the desired results, then begin to ease back to less.

There are two variations of this recipe that I've used, but I tend to favor the Baking Soda + Peroxide + Toothpaste mixture because I learned it first. The other recipe features only baking soda and lemon.

Recipe #1

One teaspoon of baking soda
One teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide
Pea-sized amount of toothpaste
1/2 teaspoon of H20

In a small bowl mix the ingredients together. Apply to your toothbrush and scrub for up to two minutes. 
Spit and Rinse.

Recipe #2

 One teaspoon of baking soda
One teaspoon of lemon juice

In a small bowl mix the ingredients together. Once the mixture has finished foaming, apply it to your toothbrush and scrub for one minute.
Spit and Rinse.

Please note that these recipes may be too harsh for people with tooth sensitivity.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Aspirin & Lemon Facial Mask and Scrub

Before you head out tonight in anticipation of the New Year give this easy face mask and scrub a try. You only need three inexpensive ingredients: uncoated aspirin tablets, lemon juice, and baking soda.

Aspirin can be a tremendously valuable tool in a girl's medicine cabinet as it contains salicylic acid, a powerful acne fighter and exfoliant. I personally make an aspirin paste every time I have to do battle with my acne.

Lemon juice is one of my favorite skin care items because it contains Vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acid, and smells fantastic. Even when I just use lemon juice as a toner, my skin instantly looks brighter.

Baking soda is another valuable item in my skin care arsenal. I use it all the time with my cleanser to create an easy, gentler exfoliant. In this recipe however, baking soda is used to rinse off the aspirin and lemon and neutralize the acid.

**Please note that if you have sensitive skin or an aspirin allergy you should not use this recipe.**


6-10 Uncoated Aspirin
1/2 Tablespoon of 100% Lemon Juice, or Half a Lemon
Baking Soda Dissolved in Water

1. In a small dish, dissolve the aspirin in the lemon juice. I use a spoon to help break up the aspirin and create a paste. 

2. Apply the paste to your freshly washed face using gentle circles to exfoliate. 

3. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

4. Remove the dry mask using cotton balls dipped in your solution of dissolved baking soda. It is normal to experience a slight burning sensation as you remove the mask, followed by some skin redness. 

5. Apply a moisturizer and enjoy brighter, softer skin!